terça-feira, 13 de maio de 2014

8 EGO Traps with Emotional Intelligence - Ego Trap One: Ignoring Feedback You Don’t Like

It can be hard to hear honest feedback—especially when the feedback is not what we think or want to believe about ourselves. But the consequences of ignoring that feedback can be even more damaging (including a 629% risk of derailment) than facing down some potentially unpleasant realizations about your work style. This section helped show participants how practicing the three primary EQ skills—self-awareness, empathy, and self-control—can open the door to free-flowing communication and ensure they receive the timely feedback they need to lead effectively.

About the Author:
Jen Shirkani is the CEO of Penumbra Group and has spent over 20 years as an employee development specialist, coach and speaker. She lives in New Hampshire US with her two daughters where she oversees a national talent management firm, providing training programs, organizational development consulting and executive coaching. She holds a Master's Degree in Organizational Leadership and has been a featured speaker at several national and state conferences, universities, and at dozens of organizations nationwide. Learn more about Jen at www.jenshirkani.com and www.penumbra.com.

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