quarta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2012

Estudo de caso: O papel do Product Owner

Caros Leitores,

Compartilho com vocês um trecho do estudo de caso da MegaEnergy, apresentado no livro Agile Project Management with Scrum de Ken Schwaber.

É um excelente exemplo sobre o foco que deve ser dado pelo Product Owner nos projetos Scrum nas organizações.

The Product Owner’s focus is return on investment (ROI). The Product Backlog provides the Product Owner with a powerful tool for directing the project, Sprint by Sprint, to provide the greatest value and ROI to the organization. The Product Owner uses the Product Backlog to give the highest priority to the requirements that are of highest value to the business, to insert nonfunctional requirements that lead to opportunistic releases and implementations of functionality, and to constantly adjust the product in response to changing business conditions, including new competitive offerings.

Fonte: Livro “Agile Project Management with Scrum”, Ken Schwaber, Microsoft Press, pág. 18, 2004.

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