sábado, 5 de outubro de 2013

10 Tips for young leaders

1. Expect to prove yourself. You aren’t being picked on.

2. Stand up to those who look down on you by delivering great results. Action talks…

3. Enthusiasm with endurance gets things done. Enthusiasm alone is shallow.

4. Bold confidence isn’t brash arrogance.

5. Don’t whine. Maintain optimism. Whining is complaining without a solution.

6. Ask questions before challenging ideas.

7. Humility, which isn’t playing dead, always trumps arrogance.

8. Hang with “young” elders. Not all elders are dead and not all youth are the solution.

9. Prioritize. You’re going to try too many things at once.

10. Work on yourself while working in your position. How are you developing your leadership?

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