quinta-feira, 27 de março de 2014

LIM Latin America 2014!!! A caminho...

Caros Leitores,

Estou a caminho do LIM - Leadership Institute Meeting - 2014 Latin America no Rio de Janeiro, representando o Capítulo PMI de São Paulo.

No dia 30/03, apresentarei o case do PMI São Paulo sobre as iniciativas ligadas ao PMIef - Project Management Institute Educational Foundation - em parceria com Pablo Lledó e demais colegas da América Latina.

Para conhecer mais sobre o evento, clique aqui.

Abraços e Sucesso!!!

domingo, 23 de março de 2014

PMP Certification: Quick Tips to Prepare

1) Avoid setting your exam date too quick
This may vary depending of how much free time you have in your schedule, but give yourself at least 2 months to study, some even need 3 to 4.

2) Plan your studying
You want to avoid studying at the very last minute, like most of us are most likely to do. Build a weekly study plan that includes every detail to how many pages of the PMBOK per day you’ll read, to how many quiz simulations you do.
It may seem overkill for some, but it works if you stick to it, assuming your plan is realistic towards your schedule.

3) PMBOK doesn’t have to come first
The PMBOK guide is great but not necessarily “fun” to read. Sometimes, it even lacks proper examples or context, and states too bluntly what should be done. This being said, although not mandatory to actually read it, it’s good to go through it once, but read an alternate book first like Head First PMP or Rita’s course. The PMBOK will then be easier to read and understand.

4) Do several test simulations
The more you answer questions, the better. What’s important here is to review your answers once you have your score, that’s what will help you learn.

It’s also suggested to do at least one real 4h simulation with 200 questions, so you can see when you need to rest or how long you need. After that you can adjust your speed accordingly.

A Balance of Hard & Soft Skills

10 Tips: How to Stay Focused – Tip 10

10. Learn how to be focused on staying focused

Staying focused is a skill that’s really simple to explain: you concentrate your mind on a single thing and don’t allow it to be disturbed by anything else. Now try to do that and you will understand how this simple definition becomes almost impossible to achieve in practice. However, it’s not impossible; it just requires a lot of practice, commitment, and dedication. Your daily relaxation or meditation will help you free your mind of all distracting thoughts, and you will soon notice how you are getting better in controlling your habits and emotions and
staying focused on your goals.

Source: bigthink.com

10 Tips: How to Stay Focused – Tip 9

9. Learn how to avoid distractions

You convince yourself that checking your e-mail, Facebook and Twitter every few minutes relaxes you, but the truth is that this bad habit is a huge distraction from the really important things. Make sure to complete every important task you have for the day before you allow yourself the luxury of spending time on Facebook. When you finish everything faster and more efficiently, you can reward yourself with virtual socializing.

Source: bigthink.com

10 Tips: How to Stay Focused – Tip 8

8. Have goal buddies

When you have people with similar goals, you will support and motivate each other to stay focused on their achievement. Your “goal buddies” will remind you about the things you promised to achieve, and their success will push you to keep up.

Source: bigthink.com