sábado, 6 de julho de 2013

The PMI Educational Foundation Overview

The PMI Educational Foundation (PMIEF) is a public charitable organization and the philanthropic arm of the Project Management Institute. PMIEF views project management as a critical skill for everyone and is focused on the 7 billion people around the world who are unfamiliar with project management. 

While PMI is focused on making project management indispensible for business results, PMIEF is focused on bringing the power of project management to the rest of society.

PMIEF focuses its work in three areas:
  • Building a better prepared workforce through academic scholarships, awards, internships, doctoral research grants, and professional development scholarships.
  • Preparing youth for success in life through educational resources, programs, and workshops in project management for youth and their teachers.
  • Helping people in need and those struck by disaster by aiding nonprofit and nongovernmental organizations to better utilize their limited resources through PMIEF grants, scholarships, and workshops in project management.

Through the generous support of hundreds of donors and many new partnerships, the past four years have been an exciting time of tremendous growth and new opportunities for PMIEF. Below please find a snapshot of recent PMIEF accomplishments:

Annually, PMIEF awards over US$400,000 in scholarships, awards, and doctoral research grants. Scholarships are available to students, teachers, nonprofit/nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and project managers.

PMIEF partners with nonprofit organizations to incorporate project management into youth programs and workforce development programs.

PMIEF provided more than US$300,000 in grants to develop youth programs, nonprofit/NGO training materials, teacher training materials, and workforce development programs for unemployed workers.
PMIEF offers no cost educational resources* that include curricula for youth aged 6 – 20, career resources, training materials for teachers and nonprofits/NGOs, and materials to build project management skills for life.

PMIEF is working with US States and ministers of education to promote project management as a critical life and professional skill, as well as to implement project management related curricula.
PMIEF will continue to seek opportunities and partnerships to leverage project management for social good.

*Please visit www.pmief.org to find out more about PMIEF’s programs and educational resources which are available for no cost download for noncommercial use. For further information or questions please email pmief@pmi.org.

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