sexta-feira, 18 de abril de 2014

Delegation Level 1 - Low Delegation / High Control

Use with someone about to do work he's never or rarely done before.

Prep: Here the problem is more likely one of skill versus will, so describe how to do the work and coach him through the steps involved. Make clear the boundaries: budget, strategy, policy, and so on. If appropriate, take him through practice runs. If the problem is also one of will, set the activity in the context of the team's work and its purpose and goals. Make sure he understands the consequences of possible outcomes.

Do: At first, you do the work as he observes. If the consequences of failure are low, you could observe while he performs the task.

Review: Walk through what you (or he) did. Answer questions. Identify lessons. Have him describe how he would do it next time.

This text is part of the book entitled "Being the Boss - The 3 Imperatives for Becoming a Great Leader", written by Linda A. Hill and Kent Lineback, Harvard Business Review Press.

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