sexta-feira, 18 de abril de 2014

Delegation Level 2 - Moderate Delegation / Moderate Control

Use with someone who has some experience, perhaps someone who's observed others and should be ready to act on her own.

Prep: Ask her to describe her plan for doing the work and the various "What....?" questions. Satisfy yourself that she's well prepared and ready. Explain constraints or boundaries. Agree on what constitutes success. Coach as necessary. Make sure she understands the reason for doing the work and why it's important. See whether she can link to team purpose and goals.

Do: Let her do the work, perhaps with you present observing, perhaps alone, depending on the situation and your judgment of her readiness.

Review: Ask for her self-assessment of how it went, in terms of both skill and will. What went well and what could be improved? Then, if you were present, give your assessment and discuss any differences. Identify lessons. Focus on tangible outcomes and specific behaviors. If you couldn't be present, ask others who were there. Reach agreement with her about what should be different of better next time.

This text is part of the book entitled "Being the Boss - The 3 Imperatives for Becoming a Great Leader", written by Linda A. Hill and Kent Lineback, Harvard Business Review Press.

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