sexta-feira, 18 de abril de 2014

Delegation Level 3 - High Delegation / Low Control

Use with someone who has actually demonstrated competence.

Prep: Leave the prep to him. Involve yourself only if the work - say, a discussion he will have with an important prospective customer - is unusually important to team purpose and goals. If it is, ask for his preparatory thinking. Agree on success. Here the issue may be more one of will than skill, and so make sure he understands the importance and consequences of the action.

Do: He conducts the discussion without your involvement or presence.

Review: If this was routine work and it had a good or expected outcome, you won't have a review discussion except as part of a periodic general performance review. If it was more than routine work or the outcome was unexpected, ask for his self-assessment of what happened and what might be learned from it.

This text is part of the book entitled "Being the Boss - The 3 Imperatives for Becoming a Great Leader", written by Linda A. Hill and Kent Lineback, Harvard Business Review Press.

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