domingo, 11 de março de 2012

What is IPMA and what this model can offer to Brazil - Part IV

 2 levels for PM Consultants

IPMA® decided to add an extension of the 4-L-C for assessing the competences required for the PM Consultants. With their advices PM consultants can contribute essentially to position, develop and strengthen the ability of organisations to initiate, plan, execute and evaluate projects, programmes and portfolios.
The IPMA® certification system provides the following benefits
·         a benchmark for the organisation in the recruitment, training and development of project management consultant staff
·         a marketing tool by demonstrating the commitment to excellence in PM consulting and demonstrates the competence of its staff at consultancy in the project management field, bringing new opportunities to expand consultancy services.
·         by showing that in addition to other relevant qualifications that staff may have, their IPMA® certification can instil confidence in clients that the organisation can handle their business efficiently and cost effectively.
The PM Consultant career paths typically refer to the following functional areas and responsibilities in practice:
·         Certified Project Management Consultant (IPMA® PMC)
shall be able to deliver advice for all technical, behavioural and contextual aspects of the management of a project including its environment
·         Certified Programme and Portfolio Management Consultant (IPMA® PPMC)
shall be able to deliver PM consultancy services on a PM strategic, organisation and strategy implementation level (Executive level, Project Portfolio or Programme Responsible, PM Responsible)
For these purposes, the IPMA ICB® was extended with the 6 PM technical, 4 PM behavioural and 4 PM context competence elements of the Addition to the IPMA Competence Baseline for PM Consultants (ICBC).


The IPMA® two-level certification system for PM Consultants offers the opportunity to reflect developing competence. The certificates awarded to individuals are based on typical project, programme and portfolio management consulting roles carried out in practice. These roles in organisations are a possible career path for people to move from higher education into an organisation in a role in the PM consultant discipline.

2 comentários:

  1. The author of this blog has no authority nor credencial to post informations about IPMA Brasil.
    For official information visit or contact the official channels.
    O autor deste blog não tem autoridade or credenciais para postar informações sobre a IPMA Brasil.
    Para informações oficiais visite ou contacte os canais oficiais.

    1. Prezados representantes do IPMA,

      O objetivo do meu blog é promover o conhecimento na área de gerenciamento de projetos ao público em geral, sem qualquer interesse em aferir lucro ou vantagem financeira com o conteúdo publicado.

      O propósito único com os posts foi compartilhar informações do IPMA por ser uma das entidades mais importantes e relevantes ligadas ao gerenciamento de projetos.

      Em consideração a mensagem acima, se preferirem, posso excluir todos os posts que fazem referência ao IPMA, assim como excluir o site da entidade da relação de sites recomendados.

      Aguardo o retorno.


      Acilio Marinello
