domingo, 11 de março de 2012

What is IPMA and what this model can offer to Brazil - Part V

3 IPMA Project Excellence Awards

The IPMA® annually presents project management awards to project management teams that exploit and can prove great achievements in project management. By rewarding teams that prove their success in project management, IPMA recognizes and acknowledges excellent and innovative projects. The "International Project Excellence Award" was awarded in the year 2002 for the first time.

The IPMA® Project Excellence Award system provides the following general benefits

·         Applicants find out in which areas their project work can be improved, and experience what promising project management in its entirety means.
·         A unique form of benchmarking for project work (Project Benchmarking) results from both the comparison of best project team performance and the individual project report issued by the international assessor team.
The finalists and winners and the organisations responsible for their project
·         can show that the winners and finalists are one of the most successful and internationally recognized project teams
·         are invited to pass on their experience of Project Excellence at the annual IPMA World Congress and can exchange professional experience with the other winners
Projects from different industries and with certain amount of effort in time and cost can apply for the IPMA International Project Excellence Awards. Since 2010 the applicants have the possibility to apply in three Award categories:
Project Excellence in
·         Medium-Sized Projects
·         Big-Sized Projects
·         Mega-Sized Projects
The IPMA International Project Excellence Award model includes the following 9 criteria
which shall satisfy the demand for customer satisfaction, employees’ development and participation, Partnership with suppliers, Leadership, Social responsibility, Processes and facts, Results.

2 comentários:

  1. The author of this blog has no authority nor credencial to post informations about IPMA Brasil.
    For official information visit or contact the official channels.
    O autor deste blog não tem autoridade or credenciais para postar informações sobre a IPMA Brasil.
    Para informações oficiais visite ou contacte os canais oficiais.

    1. Prezados representantes do IPMA,

      O objetivo do meu blog é promover o conhecimento na área de gerenciamento de projetos ao público em geral, sem qualquer interesse em aferir lucro ou vantagem financeira com o conteúdo publicado.

      O propósito único com os posts foi compartilhar informações do IPMA por ser uma das entidades mais importantes e relevantes ligadas ao gerenciamento de projetos.

      Em consideração a mensagem acima, se preferirem, posso excluir todos os posts que fazem referência ao IPMA, assim como excluir o site da entidade da relação de sites recomendados.

      Aguardo o retorno.


      Acilio Marinello
